In which are explored the matrices of text, textile, and exile through metaphor, networks, poetics, etymologies, etc., with an occasional subplot relating these elements to Iggy and the Stooges.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

B, tiny arkhive: for Adeena Karasick

Since Adeena Karasick is so much a part of this Banff/blog/collaborative/shmata-shma'atta experience I thought I'd share a token I made for her a few years ago, when I was writing a presentation on her book Dyssemia Sleaze for a conference at University of Alberta on archiving the modern, or something like that. There's a picture in the poem "The Wall," centerpiece of DS, an Avedon photo of a man with bees swarming all over him. Very disturbing. I learned from Adeena's Kabbalah studies that B, Beit, is a house (archive), and as second letter of the alphabet, is sort of a female (but not in an absolute sense) principle, breath, etc. So I made this little Beit, a bee-hive ark-hive of scriptural activity.

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